Friday, August 14, 2020

                                                The Trend of Agricultural Evolution


Agricultural Evolution, Agricultural History, Modern Farming


There is a saying that, ‘’agriculture is the root of culture’’.

At the beginning of civilization, people were seen as a hunter. People became predators to protect themselves from wild animals and to gather food for survival. Gradually, people realized that it was easier to collect food by denying self-defense when they were grouped. They noticed that some animals were not left unattended after hunting, but they did not move around. This was the beginning of the first breeding of cattle by ensuring food supply in times of crisis by raising and caring for cattle on the ground. Many ups and downs are the basis of human civilization today. To ensure the food security of the population, people have made groundbreaking changes in agriculture through the application of technological innovations in agriculture. This evolution did not happen in one day. Around the world agricultural Scientists have come a long way and made progress.


What is agriculture?

Agriculture is a combination of crop production and livestock rearing and fish farming science, art, and trade. It is thought to have originated in Southwest Asia about 9,500 BC, with evidence of the use of wild cereals.

According to many, agriculture began independently in different parts of the world, with different classes of crops locally.

These include-

-       Mexico/Guatemala: Maize, Peas, Squash, Papaya, Tomato, Pepper,

-       Middle Eastern region (From Nil river up to Tigris and Euphrates rivers) Wheat, oats, grape, apple, dates, demur, bang, lentil and

-       North China: Paddy, soybean, pitch, Chinese cabbage


Original farming methods

 Primitive people used to live in caves, forests, highlands, etc., where they lived for some time. To earn a living, they used to clear the forest and cultivate the land, cultivate crops and when the crops were harvested, they would leave the place in groups for various reasons and settle down elsewhere.

The development of small scale agriculture took place in 7000 BC. At Egyptian land. Evidence of wheat and barley cultivation is also found in the Indian subcontinent during this period. It originated in the middle tier of agriculture around 6000 BC. at the bank of Nil river. It was around this time that agriculture began to develop independently by cultivating rice instead of wheat.

 Sumerian civilization developed around 5000 BC. The Sumerians use energy to harvest one crop a year through the necessary efficient irrigation system. At this time the introduction of cattle such as mutton for animal husbandry and food began in earnest. At that time the practice of hiring herdsmen for raising cattle began.

The evolution of agriculture is not a single technology for food production but it is an integrated effort of many technologies.

Agricultural technology innovations spread around the world around 2000 BC.

 For better or worse, agriculture was the main and only driving force in the development of civilization.

 Although farms are probably more laborious than primitive hunting and food collection, it is easier to provide 10 to 100 times more calories per acre, thus eliminating food shortages for the growing population. People began to settle permanently. Small settlements became cities and over time cities became cities.


The agricultural revolution

According to the ‘’Encyclopedia Britannica’’, the agrarian revolution began in Britain in the 1800s and lasted until the 1900s. During this time agriculture shifted from its original form to modern agriculture. Significant changes introduced include crop rotation, land ownership, intensive use of agricultural land, the emergence of agricultural farms, concentration on agricultural technologies such as the invention of agricultural machinery, development of irrigation systems, breeding research in breed innovation, etc.


Modern Agriculture

In the 21st century, the growing food demand of the growing population is minimized successfully by modern agriculture. Primary food grain like- rice and wheat production has increased dramatically with the increase of population. Production on the same land has quadrupled. On the other hand, time-saving for agricultural mechanization has reduced the cost of production. Day after day agricultural research has made it possible to innovate new technologies. An evolving approach helps to increase the efficiency of agricultural production and reduce the number of natural resources required to meet the needs including the food of the world. An intensive farming system, sustainable agricultural, organic farming practices, agricultural mechanization, varietal development, etc. are part of modern agriculture. The development of agriculture is not the end here. This trend will continue for ages to come as new technology will be added feather to the crown of civilization.


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